21 Sept 2008

What to do?

After years of flatting with other people I have finally moved into a studio (alas still renting) but so nice to have it all to myself. There is thankfully enough space for separate sleeping and living areas, but the living space is quite small. There is no room for a sofa, I have one wonderful vintage armchair, but nothing if I have a guest over; not ideal. I have room for one more armchair, but can't afford to spend too much; am considering this Indian Mudha Chair, which I will make a seat cushion for, the nicest part of this chair is the weaving on the seat that would be covered by the cushion. Part of me is screaming eighties cane furniture don't do it, then another part sayes rustic and charming. Its so easier to find solutions for your clients than yourself, what to do?!


  1. Hi,
    The armchair in this photo is looking quite comfortable. I like this chair.


  2. Yes, it does scream 80's cane in an "i'm trying to ignore it" kind of way. I live in India and have access to lots of these beautiful pieces, but have always resisted for exactly the same reason as yours. But I would say, give in and go for it. And 80's cane was something else all together, and this chair (and this type of work) is absolutely beautiful, and they actually ARE super comfortable. I'm currently renovating a house, and am pretty sure I will crack for some of these pieces. Enjoy! And your blog is beautiful...but I can't find the button so I can feed it into my google reader....


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