29 Jan 2009

A patina of age

I found these incredible images via Paris Apartment blog, can you believe this amazing property Alder Manor in the Hudson Valley New York State, was abandoned - criminal. The house and grounds are incredible; a group called Tara Circle have bought it and a renovating it, these images from 2004 when they first bought it and not yet started restoration; I hope its sympathetic.

There is something so exciting yet sad about a property in this shape, I think because its abandoned one can feel a sense of ownership towards it. I want to bring it back to life, completely forgetting the millions, that it would take and I don't have; ah well a girl can dream. But I can just see myself sweeping around the grounds in flowing skirts....maybe I'm having a past life flash back! Lets hope it get the attention it so richly deserves.

Photographers and Film makers have seen its potential used it for photo shoots etc, it makes an wonderfully atmospheric back drop.

If your interested in other derelict buildings in the Hudson Valley click here or more Alder Manor


  1. Oh so pretty! You read my mind too, I'm putting together a post about an abandoned building as we speak! People really do leave some beautiful things behind!

  2. This place looks magical! There is so much raw beauty. I can't wait to see the final product someday.

  3. OH my goodness, this is gorgeous! I hope we get to see it when it's finished.

  4. Fabulous post Vanya - enjoyed each & every image. And yes, I do so hope that those renovation millions will be spent wisely. One can only imagine how beautiful the garden was in its heyday.
    Millie ^_^

  5. Breathtakingly beautiful, even in the state it was there. We need to find pictures of the reno as it is progressing?!! A-M xx

  6. What a great post - ill have to check that manor out one of these days.

  7. Oh I want to live in one of these places!
    Beautiful and great finds :-)


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