5 Feb 2009

More Snow

I woke up on Monday morning and what did I see......the biggest dump London has seen in 18 years

Then I look out the kitchen window to the building entrance and gardens, winter wonderland

Time to go to work

Walking to the Tube as all trains and buses have stopped running, most of the tubes lines are in chaos except the ones that take me to work.....! Everyone is having a snow day but me :(

The view from my office. Later in the day someone built a snowman on the terrace and put a kilt on him :)

Home again, where is all the traffic?

Gotta check out the snow on my terrace

Time to go back inside

Today is Thursday and the snow still hanging round, unheard of in the city.


  1. Wow Vanya - these pics are amazing! How good would these look blown-up & framed in simple black & stacked on a white wall! It looks so unreal, I'm almost too scared to ask you what time it gets dark in the afternoon. Gosh I bet most Londoners pineal glands are screaming for some sun to ward off the Black Dog!
    Millie ^_^

  2. Oh it's divine. I was in London exactly 18 years ago.... young and free, with all my worldy possessions in a backpack! How wonderful to see the snow again! A-M xx

  3. I know I'm in serious decline over lack of sun and warmth, not cut out for this weather. This is my first full London winter without a breatk in 6 years, usually I go away somewhere to the sun - now I know why!

    At the height of summer it gets dark at 3.30pm, black by 4pm; now its dark by 5-5.30m depending on weather conditions. Oh roll on Spring

  4. I know you won't believe this, but I'm INSANELY jealous right now.


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