1 Apr 2009

Springs Inspiration

Spring has well and truly arrived in London, Hooray, these beautiful images, from somewhere in Flickr - cherry blossom season is simply my favorite.

I think this quote below is rather marvelous and seems to be written about the blogging world.

tiny pics


  1. I love spring - the blossoms are just so beautiful. Great quote too!

  2. Oh Vanya, beautiful, beautiful blossoms....and I love that quote. It makes me feel better about trying to find out about someone's fireplace stone and getting an absolute blast from them. At least my experience makes me want to share everything I find with anyone who wants to know. I am so flattered when someone wants to 'steal' from me! A-M xx

  3. Love that quote! In fact, I stole it for my journal. ;>)

    Happy spring--KMc


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