3 Mar 2009

Stylish Urban Holiday - Part One

In my last year at Design School, quite a few moons ago now; our final project was to redesign an existing building based on a conceptual idea.

My concept was a 'Stylish Urban Holiday' in the city - an escape to a place of calm and tranquility.

'Spaces flow, light floods in and walls dissolve, creating a constantly shifting range of spatial experiences.'

I was inspired by among others - Richard Meier

Beach House

Country House

Stay tuned for more Stylish Urban Holiday inspiration.


  1. Oh Vanya, that first image is heart-stopping - straight to the inspiration/dreaming file for that beauty!
    Millie ^_^

  2. I love modern design. If I lived in a place where the sky was that blue, I would design a glass ceiling too. You have a beautiful blog. I love these pictures.


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