20 May 2009

Athens, Aegina and beyond

Photo credit

I'm off to Athens tomorrow morning to install a villa we have been working on there and then I am off to the island of Aegina for a weeks relaxation and pottering around the nearby islands. This holiday is much needed, it will be my first proper one for a year; I can't wait! This weekend I hope to have time to pop up to Delphi to check it out. I promise a full report when I get back, see you in 2 1/2 weeks!


  1. i so much adore your blog! such wonderful inspiration indeed. have a great time in greece--so beautiful!

  2. Have a wonderful trip Vanya, you deserve your vacation! Yes, lots of pics please to make us all very jealous!
    Millie ^_^

  3. Have a wonderful time and enjoy the me-time!!

  4. Wow, I wish I was going...

    You're going to have the best time! Enjoy!

  5. I just discovered your blog, and I will be back for your "report". Also, just today I posted something about Betsy Wyeth, then I saw your painting here by her late husband. Hope you have a great holiday.

  6. How amazing. Have a great time - look forward to reading your blog when you return

  7. I wish you a wounderful holiday! Aegina is beautiful, I came there for the first time in 1975 and have returned a number of times. Don't miss Angistri, the neighboriging island. It's beatuful too.

  8. I do love Greece...cant wait to see your iniration from there!

    This is a wonderful blog Vanya...I just posted a story on your May 10 post re Charlestown farm house on my blog. I have read quite about about the bloomsburys so it was delightful to be reminded of this home....especially as here today in Brisbane, OZ, it is actually cold, wet and wintery for a change...and the studio image with fireplace really spoke to me!

  9. Have a fantastic time! What a great get away!

  10. Vanya, how exciting. Hope it is/was wonderful and your much-needed break was perfect. Any pictures??

    xo T.

  11. Oh, what a lovely blog.
    I shall add you to my blog roll, if that's alright with you.

  12. Hope your installation went well and you have had a relaxing vacation! Look forward to seeing your pictures. Ax


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