13 Jun 2009

Hydra - Part One

I feel in love with Hydra, so perfect post card pretty. I loved that there are no roads, cars, scooters, bikes etc - only way to get around is on foot or by donkey - brilliant.

I loved Hydra so much I have to do two posts, as there are so many pics I want to share - hope you love it as much as I did!

The door to our pension on the right - a great way to arrive bougainvillea and a donkey, what more do you need?

The cool and colourful Sarah

its all hills, great for the legs

The cove we went swimming the next day to cool off

the view from our dinner table

Sunset from our dinner table on the terrace of the taverna - pretty damn good


  1. Beautyful!
    Have you seen Leonard Cohen?

  2. Wow, these are some BEAUTIFUL pictures! Thanks so much for sharing!

  3. The pictures are stunning, reminded me of Mijas in Southern Spain. Worth looking up and maybe a visit. Sue

  4. Stunning photos Vanya - love the donkey and the pink tree...awesome pictures!! So glad you had a marvellous time. xo

  5. Hydra is one of my favourite greek islands!

    I love the photos - they want me want to return!

    L x

  6. Your photos are gorgeous! Making me excited to be in Italy & Croatia in less than one month! Hooray

  7. Magnifiques photos d'un pays lumineux. Merci. AmitiƩs de Fine.


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