6 Jul 2009

Palaio Chora - Aegina, Greek Islands

The last of my pics from my Greek Island holiday, this place was incredible, I highly recommend it. Stay tuned for Croatia, I've just back from a holiday there.

Palaio Chora - the ruins of this medieval city cover the hill behind the Monastery of Aghios Nektarios. This is where the islanders used to take refuge from pirates and invasions for 10 centuries.

Once a small city of 300 churches, some 32 frescoed churches (13th to 17th century) are still preserved.


  1. I am so jealous!!!! That place is amazingly beautiful. What a great opportunity. Hope I can make it out of the country one day if I ever finish college! - Sabree

  2. The history there is just amazing! Wonderful images. Am slightly envious of beautiful weather there, we are freezing back here in Aus.

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