14 Jul 2009

The Talented Mr Massey

Photographer Paul Massey's home, which he photographed, was recently featured in Living Etc magazine and has been widely circulated in blog land; you probably recognise his fantastic kitchen below.

I thought it would be interested to find out what else he's been up to.

Absolutely adore this room and the image

Plus wonderful portraits

The gorgeous Anna Friel

and hello Joesph Fiennes.....!


  1. Im loving loving loving those interiors! they just make me so happy!! thanks alot for sharing!!

  2. Every photo is gorgeous. I could live in a house that had those exact rooms and vignettes (and hot gentleman dwellers too!)

  3. Talent with a capital T Vanya! Oh that's Mr. Massey AND YOU!
    Millie ^_^

  4. amazing photos. Specially I love the white bedroom and the turquoise toilet/bathroom! i'm speechless!

    best of love. deva.

    p.s. amazing blog! these photos can take breath away!

  5. I love Paul Massey´s work!
    sunny greetings from germany, geisslein

  6. J'aime la pureté du blanc, j'aimerais beaucoup vivre dans cet intérieur, propice à la création. J'aime le calme du blanc. Amitiés de Fine.

  7. Love these images, I have seen them before but never made the connection!

  8. I could move right in! Gorgeous interiors!


Thanks for commenting it really makes my day :)