20 Aug 2009



I love his attention to detail, the use of light and depth of colour, you could sink into it


  1. Vanya, this city of Delft in Holland is my favorite by far. Ive been there quiet a few times, it is really left with that old feel of by gone days. The new church if from the 14th century and the old church is from 12th century. In the "new church" is where they bury the royals. Many shops sell the Delft ware and there is where the main factory is of course. Loads of little antique shops. Ive been here 10 years now and always reccomend people to visit here if they have the time. And now to your post of Vermeer, youre so right about his attention to light and detail, its breathtaking... thanks for the photos... Julie in Holland ...

  2. Found you blog a couple of days ago and what a JOY because it is so beautiful and inspiring!:)

    Wish you a nice day,

  3. I studied Dutch painters, Jan Vermeer especially during my art history days. I love his play on light, on still life (pitchers, windowsills, earrings, etc. etc). Great post!


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