26 Sept 2009

Max's Mummy

I blogged sometime ago about my lovely and dear friend Jo, and her creative talents - Aniseed. Jo has recently set up her own blog, chronicling her adventures as a first, sometimes bewildered, Mum. I salute her, it really does seem like the tough's job in the world; but Jo tackles it with such grace and humour, its inspiring. So with out futher ado, here is Max's Mummy!

The gorgeous couple on their wedding day in NZ, I was lucky enough to attend, it was wonderful

Max visits the Thames, I wonder if he will remember

Baby Max finally arrives, going over speed bumps really works!

The excited and slightly freaked out Jo & Richard bring Max home

adored by Mummy

and Daddy, Max is a very lucky boy.

Max recently turned one - Happy Birthday little man!

So pop over and say hi to Jo as she negotiates the joys and challenges of first time motherhood.

Max's Mummy


  1. What lovely photos of young family life. Brought back memories for me especially the one of Daddy holding baby Mam with the wooden Pinoccio on the window sill. I still have the same toy which belonged to my daughters and they are now ages 30 & 32 years old.Will try to find it and put a picture on my blog. Sue

  2. Vanya! You are the sweetest friend. Love you lots! Jo


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