16 Oct 2009

Italy's Calling

I'm off on my final European trip before I head home, Mid-November and what better place than Bella Italia!

First stop Roma


then Firenze


Finally Bagni di Lucca


to visit my cousins who live there, in Northern Tuscany in the mountains above Lucca.

Promise LOTS of photos on my return, you know I'm good for it :) CIAO!


  1. What gorgeous, gorgeous photos. I am terribly jealous. I adore Italy so much. Have a fabulous time & share more photos ~


  2. I've always wanted to go to Lucca, I love Italy, I was just there a few short months ago and already I can't wait to go back...

  3. So jealous...looks amazing! Happy weekend! Tracey xx

  4. Beautifull photos, I'll be waiting for more ... and more ... and more :) Pa, pa

  5. oh my! that first photo of Rome is stunning! lucky girl! have a lovely time!

  6. Hi Vanya. I'm passing the Kreative Blogger award over to you. The award rules are: you tell your readers 7 things they don't know about you, and pass the award and link to 7 more bloggers(if you want).

  7. Italy is top of my holiday "To Do" list. Beautiful pictures.

    Pop on over to my blog; there's an award waiting for you :O)

  8. Exactly one month ago...I took the same trip! Loved Lucca, my first time there, and met Valentina and Paola from Les Cotrions...a wonderful blog.....but Lucca was exquisite and the ladies so lovely...Was in Florence for only a few hours but spent a week in Rome...will have to compare pics! I will wait for your return...I just know you will have a fabulous trip!
    Take care, Laura

  9. We just returned from Italy! We went to Rome, Florence and Venice. Loved it!

  10. I am currently living in Rome! Enjoy your trip and I love your blog!!


  11. you will have a wonderful time.. so glad i found your blog... just in time to follow you along your trip... florence will be your favorite... wish i had my list of fav restaurants handy... there is a lovely wine bar there you must go to... translated "fox and the grapes" ask one of the locals they will tell you where it is... fabulous and very charming.. have fun x pam

  12. Gorgeous.......see you when you get home! xx

  13. exciting! have an amazing time

  14. Your photos of Italy caught my eye. I just came back from Sicily with my five sisters and 81 year old Mother. It was so breath taking. I miss it so. Everything now here is so plain and boring! Ciao Catherine

  15. Oh... have you been to Viareggio and Versilia too?
    Lucca is a great place to visit in Tuscany!


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