10 Jan 2010

Outdoor Living

Back in summertime NZ, I have started thinking more about outdoor living, the best way to enjoy the outdoors without baking in the sun and hopefully avoiding the sandflies!

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the chairs don't look that comfy but the floral cushions are really doing it for me

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ahh simplicity

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how great is this!

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I'm living on that bed reading my book - heaven

all we need is the cocktails darling

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pretty and fabulous

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you can't beat a hammock, but I think the sandflies would definitely find me here!

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crisp, white and relaxed - perfection

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brilliant use of sheds and canvas

source lonny mag

quirky fabulous!


  1. Hi Vanya. How exciting to hear about your sister's wedding. Are you using ranunculus (like in the teacup?)
    So cold here in California...nice to visit you summery colors! Trish

  2. Some time ago that I discovered your blog and I am still your post, today I want to thank you for so fresh and relaxing images. In Spain we are a cold spell and at this moment this one snowing.
    TI wish you happy week,


  3. Loved this post Vanya - it's dropped the BP by about 50 points! Hope you are getting lots of lovely friends & family time back home. I'm sure 2010 will be your year.
    Millie ^_^


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