27 Feb 2010

The Great Gatsby Picnic - Art Deco Weekeend - Napier

How's that for a long title.......

As promised images from the Gatsby Picnic, there was a prize for the best display; people go all out to win - with fabulous results.

lets get dressed for the occasion

too cute

are flip flops Art Deco? Dad's not into dressing up.... 
I went for a 1930's look, drop waist does nothing for me!

lets head to Marine Parade

the setting for the picnic


mix with the deco ladies

whilst enjoying a cup of tea

and coo coo at the Deco baby, slightly too big for his pram, but he's not bothered

you need a fan or two in this heat

 and fabulous fresh colours

and of course a Deco tea set

fancy black and white chic?

all the best silver comes out

  and glassware

and of course the picnic basket

working hard for best in show

the chaps sing

 to the ladies

whilst things are low key at the Out of Africa tent

all this strolling in the sun being fabulous is hot work

time for a well deserved Gin & Tonic - ahh Bombay Sapphire my fav!

let's seek out some shade by the Riley, while i wind up the gramophone

and another well deserved drink with the girls

Hope you enjoyed your Napier Art Deco weekend, as much as I did :)


  1. Wow! That looks like a fabulous event. What wonderful pics.

  2. That looks like so much fun! thank you for sharing such wonderful photos.


  3. Such an amazing event isn't it! That art deco teaset is very cool. Did you sneak that one home under your fur coat? xx

  4. wow amazing event. loved the photos. especially those pretty cups. thanks for sharing!

  5. I wish I could have been there too!

    What a place!



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