4 Apr 2010

Happy Easter

Hope you are all having a relaxing and enjoyable break where ever you may be and the sun is either shining on your face or in your heart.

On Friday my sister, father and I had an afternoon at Ocean Beach, a fairly remote spot on the Wairarapa coast line. It was windy but, sunny and invigorating.

we parked up in the camp ground cooked some sausages for lunch and then when for a wander

as the coast line is so rough and the rip so bad, the only way to safely get fishing boats in and out 
of the water is by bulldozer

you can see which way the wind blows......

a sheltered corner the perfect spot for the great kiwi bach (pronounced batch). Although in recent years the bach has gone upmarket, because of a ban on new building and renovation on existing baches, Ocean Beach is a great example of the 'good old days' when baches were made from whatever was at hand or offcasts; recycling in a real way. Baches hold a very special place in the hearts and culture of New Zealanders.

anything to dissipate the often fierce wind

we used to have great fun sliding down this sand hill as kids

no landscaping or fences here

Pinnacles in the background formed by the wind moulding the soft stone

perfect spot for a sheltered picnic

kiwi bloke country :)

eclectic architecture

splendid isolation

time to head for home

looking towards Lake Ferry and out to sea



  1. I wish you and your family also wonderful Easter!

    Very, very thanks for the documented trip. No matter what country one lives even: with such amazing and impressive photos you have the feeling to be everywhere a little at home.

    Have a nice weekend


  2. Fantastic pictures. One of the houses reminds me of a scene from the Whale rider. Thanks for sharing them.

  3. Great pictures! Amazing views. Happy Easter.

  4. Now these are truly authentic Man Caves Vanya!
    Millie ^_^

  5. Sounds like the perfect Easter ~ we were at Lake Ferry on Good Friday ~ such a wonderful piece of coastline. xx

  6. Thank you for the splendid day at the beach! I have a dear Kiwi friend who I was able to visit in 2002 and these pictures remind me of why I love your beautiful country so much.


Thanks for commenting it really makes my day :)