23 Apr 2010

Mirror Mirror on the wall

As much as I love art work, there is something magical about the glimmer and reflection of a mirror

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traditional and textural

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perfect for adding light to gloomy winter days

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be it elaborate or humble 
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Adding mystery in its deeps to be discovered

 source Skona Hem

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texture and glamour
 source Jason Loucas

Layer up with multiples

source Catherine Gratwicke

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double your flowers!

source Carolyn Barber

double your pattern

source unknown

layered and light

source unknown

simple and sculptural


  1. I want that Martha Stewart bedroom! Me likey.

  2. I so love mirrors as well in the home. I dislike looking in them, but I adore how the light bounces off & opens up (if not cheers up) a space. Lovely post. Hope you have a great weekend ahead!


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