18 Jun 2010

Blooming in Winter

Well this is my first New Zealand winter for eight years and apart from the rain, rain, rain and lack of central heating (that is a blog post in its self!) I think I have been surviving quite well. What makes it easier I think than a U.K winter, so far is its not quite as cold (apart from inside without central heating....) but also alot of the New Zealand native trees and plants are evergreen; this makes things feel more alive and cheerful.

I have been feeling a pang, looking at the blog posts of the Northern Hemisphere spring/summer and all the glorious flowers, but I figure, just cause its winter doesn't mean you can't have flowers in your life - thank you fabric & wallpaper!

source unknown

source unknown

source Rose Tarlow

source unknown

source unknown

source unknown

source Alan Jensen

source Cath Kidston

source via Dress Design Decor

source Ethan Ollie

Source Sanderson

source unknown

source unknown

source T Mag


  1. At least we had some sun today. We found a gorgeous reserve today...no flowers ~ but there were butterflies fluttering. Might pop in to see you tomorrow. xx

  2. What an inspirational collection of floral prints. I really like the curtains.


Thanks for commenting it really makes my day :)