1 Sept 2010

Walking through Bath, Somerset UK

One of my favorite places in the UK is Bath, I was lucky enough to have the use of a fantastic apartment down there on weekends, it was just off the Circus, fabulous location.  As I spent quite a lot of time in Bath, this post celebrates the joy that is walking through Bath and discovering its beauty at a leisurely pace. - enjoy.

of course Bath wouldn't be Bath without its grand Georgian Architecture and the Circus doesn't disappoint

but its lovely to have these little gems hidden away to humanise the grandness

wouldn't it be charming to live here

or here!

I just don't know if you can beat an English garden in May - heavenly

lets stroll into town

admire the cathedral

stairway to heaven?

lets avoid the tourist and tuck into this pretty side chapel

and admire the skill of the stonemasons who can be extremely proud of this ceiling
just encase you wanted an overview of what you've been wandering around
circus on the right, the crescent on the left
image source

I wish I could say that the last image was taken by me, but no. I use to wake sometimes to the hot air balloons heading over the top of the apartment, what a marvelous way to see the city.


  1. We paid a fleeting visit to Bath a few weeks ago. It's great there. Definitely need to go for longer next time for a proper look around.

  2. We had our honeymoon in a teeny village outside Bath and went there just last weekend for a lovely night in aq hotel for our 11th anniversary. Gorgeous! Isn't it heavenly?

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