3 Nov 2010


I have realised that I've been very remiss in my blogging career as I have never had a give way! I don't know how that came about, but I am determind to remedy it!

So as a little incentive to sign up to my new shop - hope & glory's mailing list, I thought a little bribery goes along way ;)

I'm give away this great summer accessory from the lovely people at Scrumptious Productions. Wooden disk painted and clear coated with a long chain, relaxed, funky and fabulous.

Hop over to hope & glory join the mailing list, (the box on the left hand side is where you pop in your details) and bingo, you are in to win! The lucky winner will be drawn at random and notified at the end of November. If you want the chance to enter twice, just put a post on your blog about this draw with a link to hope & glory and let me know by email.

Best of luck!


1 comment:

  1. Vanya it is lovely!! Very summery.

    Come enter my giveaway from Empress of the Eye! You will love the interview!


    Art by Karena


Thanks for commenting it really makes my day :)