1 Dec 2010

Real Estate, real estate

oh how I love looking at other peoples houses :) I'm the sort that likes to go for walks at dusk when people have their lights on but not closed their curtains, just so I can have a good look at their houses - that is not as creepy as it sounds....! ;)

How is this for a great project

the pink palace

I'd love to know what is in that bag, a sewing machine or typewriter? Fabulous!

all the bedrooms are painted this colour

cute kitchen

its obviously been someones pride and joy
Click here to see more of this treasure

how is this for a tardis!

this is the front - very sweet
this is the side!
and back, extraordinary.
the interior is not to my taste but still worth a look

1 comment:

  1. the 2nd house is more my style. it looks so quaint from the front.


Thanks for commenting it really makes my day :)