28 Dec 2011

Hello! I need your advice???

I'm thinking perhaps I was a little rash to give up my Endless Inspiration blog...... I have a blog for my shop hope & glory and have set up a site for my interior design - Vanya Wilkinson Design & Interiors. But perhaps instead of creating a new inspiration blog on the VW Design site, I should just have a link to Endless Inspiration and keep it going? Then I don't have to start all over again, I can hang onto my lovely followers and keep in better touch with the lovely friends who I have made through this site??!!?? Or does it just get too confusing????

All feedback gratefully received - many thanks!



  1. I miss Endless - keep going with it Van!

  2. I miss Endless - keep going with it I say!

  3. Thanks Jeaux darling! I think you are right :) It seems a shame to leave 3 years of work and fun behind. xxx


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