31 Dec 2011

Orlando Bloom visited my store hope & glory

It was a very exciting day on Thursday, when the rather gorgeous Orlando Bloom

his stunning wife Miranda Kerr

and their adorable baby Flynn visited my store hope & glory

What a beautiful family and a really nice guy. Orlando said he thought loved the shop and thought it was very cool! WOW - thanks Orlando :)

He pointed a handmade blanket cushion with the GREYTOWN written on it to Miranda and said it would look good in their Malibu house - fabulous. I played it cool and tried not to act too star struck, but now I wish I'd got a photo of them in the store. Never mind Orlando is filming on the Hobbit at the moment and they are living in Wellington, so who knows they may come back :)


We made the local paper :)
Check out the article here


  1. OMG - how exciting!!!!!! So nice to hear from you Vanya. Have a happy new year! WIll be back to visit.

    xo Terri

  2. Thanks T it was rather fabulous! ;) x

  3. Oh you are soooo famous! How lovely! You're back on my bloggy roll, yay! A-M xx

  4. How great Vanya! Congratulations on attracting these fabulous people!

    I hope they come back!!

    xx Charlotta


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