7 Jan 2012

Our Wellington Workshop!

Just a little bit excited to be asked by the amazing HANDMADE event to run a workshop! Handmade is a festival celebrating beautiful and creative things. A creative and inspiring event featuring 80 different activities, learn from expert and passionate teachers in a workshop environment. The beauty of Handmade is you can come to one activity or as many as you like, depending on your available time and budget.

The lovely Stella owner of Lennox Design Studio and I will be flexing our interior design muscles with a great workshop.

Learn hands on simple flower arranging techniques and interior design tips to transform your home with ease, working with what you already love & own.

There are two opportunities to participate in our workshop. 

Saturday 2 June, 2.15pm – 4.15pm
Sunday 3 June, 2.15pm – 4.15pm
Come and join us at HANDMADE 2012, 2-3 June at Te Papa, Wellington.

To book and more information hop over to HANDMADE 

1 comment:

  1. When its handmade, you will feel its value. You know that effort was there and it's more personalized.


Thanks for commenting it really makes my day :)