17 Jan 2012

Venice Beach Eco Cottages

These beautiful holiday cottages used to be crack dens of all things, but with an amazing transformation from green interior designer Kelly La Plante, they now each have their own individual character, a world way from their previous lives.

each of the one bedroom cottages was restored from the ground up, using earth friendly, organic & repurposed materials

first cottage is Papa Hemingway

with a great masculine rustic theme

All the building materials were sustainable and non-toxic, low VOC paint, linens & mattresses are organic and all the cleaning supplies are natural. The three cottages have a water filtration system and are powered by solar panels on the roof. I like it!
next is Aunt Zoe's place, with a kitchy 50's feel

love this retro oven!

the cottages are so close together, but still pretty little outside spaces have been created
The cottages are a dream come true and beloved art project for the owners, an environmental economist and an actor/artist.
and finally Le Bebe

with a 60's Parisian feel (Designer Kelly Le Plante)

beautiful images by photographer Eric Staudenmaier
Want to see more, click here


  1. ooohhh. . .
    i like the one with the blue interiors and red butterflies

  2. Good to know that rooms have water filtration system and are powered by solar panels on the roof. I like it! waste water treatment


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