16 Jan 2010

Simple Window Treatments

I love these simple throw up and your done window treatments, basic but so effective.

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I had this same clip curtain rail from Ikea in the bathroom of my last flat, I clipped up a voile for privacy

excuse the rather unflattering photo!

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  1. They're lovely, and look equally good in loftier rooms as they do simpler ones.

    Beautiful images, thanks :)


  2. I'm not a big fan of curtains but these are so pretty and delicate who could resist! Love them all. Leigh

  3. Great pics and ideas - love your little voile curtain in your old flat (great light!).

    I have a rather troubling window I am considering covering. It is half height with a big ledge below so curtains cannot fall all the way to the floor. So then they look stumpy and short. Thinking of a valance to get some fabric at least up there. Will post soon about this room,

    Hope "home" is feeling great!

    xo Terri

  4. Hello! I just found your blog and am looking forward to reading and learning more :)

    Lovely window treatments! My sister is a bit of a master at creating her own. Lots of her home is over at my blog.

    Hope you having a nice weekend!

  5. Hello! I just found your blog and am looking forward to reading and learning more :)

    Lovely window treatments! My sister is a bit of a master at creating her own. Lots of her home is over at my blog.

    Hope you having a nice weekend!

  6. I love some of these: esp. that first one: so clean and fresh! I did a post on lace curtains, and want to buy those shell trimmed ones:

  7. gorgeous windows...


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