4 Feb 2010

Going to the Chapel

My little sister's BIG day was last Saturday, we are still recovering! An amazing day really emotional and filled with love and joy. Thought you might like a sneaky peak at some of the non-professional pics.

My sister with our cousin's fab 1920's Riley, infront of her neighbours gorgeous house

Flower girl (my niece) limbering up

Gorgeous Burnside Church

The happy and relieved couple

Sister, Brother, Me and my brothers little ones, Dave car owner and driver looks on

on veil patrol 

a truely wonderful day to be long remembered :)


  1. LOVE your dress, your little sisters dress, the church, the beautiful car - all beautiful really!

  2. It certainly looks as though it was a fabulous day. Veil patrol is a very responsible role! xx

  3. Just fabulous pics Vanya of your beautiful sister on her special day! You look gorgeous too - your parents must have been over the moon to have all their chicks together on such a happy day.
    Millie ^_^

  4. Wonderful! The pictures look amazing and the bride (& her sis) very beautiful.

    Congrats to your sister - all the best for a happy married life!



Thanks for commenting it really makes my day :)