31 Mar 2010

Floral Tables

My sisters wedding at the end of January, had all hands to the pumps and we were totally in wedding mode. I was on table decoration detail, which got me thinking amoung other things, about flowers on tables. Following are some of the ideas that inspired me.

source Trouvais

source Martha

source Martha

unfortunately I don't know the source of most of these glorious images, however if you know, please contact me and I will amend accordingly.

Best wishes Vanya


  1. Hi Vanya. I do love that top photo! I wanted to find the cups...Wedgewood...but they didn't look quite the same as the photo. Ahhh...a good photographer can make all those colors zing. Bardot in Blue's Alice and Wonderland Paris shop windows really make me wish I had more teacups! Merci for all the fab photos. Trish

  2. These are all so beautiful but I cant help but love the last one best.

  3. I can not help you, sorry.I like some creations - simple, romantic, noble ... a hard decision ;)



  4. Hi Vanya!
    These are lovely!
    Beautiful photos!

  5. Lovely images. I love the one with the candles on the mirror.

  6. Hi Vanya,

    Gorgeous images! I'm going to go out and get myself a pretty bunch of blooms today :O)

    B xxx

  7. oh my goodness! so lovely flowers! love all of them! how difficult to choose only one! xo

  8. Such a beautiful collection with such amazing variety too!

    xx Kit


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