17 Dec 2008

7 Things

Hi there - I'm back from the craziness that was the Athens riots and ready to make my 101 post - The 7 things about me challenge. You know you have arrived in the blog world when you are nominated. I was kindly nominated by the marvelous Millie at The Laurel Hedge - Thank you :)

This is how is works: Share 7 things about yourself. Challenge other blogs at the end of your post through naming their blog, and post a link to it. Let them know they have been challenged by leaving a comment in their blog.

Ok lets go...........

1. I was born in the tiny town of Levin, New Zealand in the early 70's

This is me Dad and Mum - I look like I'm thinking - what is he wearing???!

Its amazing when your growing up you think of your parents as so old, but Mum and Dad were 26 & 25 in this photo - crazy. When my mother was my age she had three kids, a house, husband, garden and 16 cats! I on the other hand have no attachments - people, property or otherwise.

Levin, NZ

2. I am oldest grandchild on my Dad's side and the first girl on my Mother's. My Grandmother (my mother's mother) we called her Nanny, was a big influence on my childhood, we would visit her at least once a month. Whenever we went to her house, about 2 hours drive from ours, we always (perhaps its my childhood mind playing tricks) seem to have ham and salad for lunch.

She very sadly passed away when I was in my early 20's, but I can still hear her saying 'Slow down and enunciate your words' - good advice for life I think! I wrote an essay for school when I was in 7th form about NZ woman at war (WWII) and interviewed her for this; she said something that I will never forget and is a great example of her wit and can do attitude,
'My husband was British and felt it was his duty to go back to home to help sort things out - in hindsight I really should have gone rather than him, I was far better at sorting things out than he was' - now if that's not gold I don't know what is :)

Nanny and I

3. When I was 3 1/2 we moved to the outskirts of a little town called Featherston in the Wairarapa and for those of you reading my blog regularly you know how much I love the Rapa :) Sadly I don't have any pictures here of the cute cottage I grew up in with a beautiful English style garden surrounded by 100 year old trees and farm land - a rather idyllic place to grow up; but the images following give you a flavour of the country side around Featherston.

This picture is taken on Underhill Road my old road in Featherston

South Wairarapa

South Wairarapa

4. I have a brother, sister and a niece and nephew

My gorgeous sister - who is recently engaged

My handsome brother and his two great kids

5. I was completely obsessed with Princess Diana from the wedding in 1981 until I was about 16, I had scrap books of articles and pictures I had cut out of magazines plus books and even Charles and Diana paper dolls!

Wasn't she gorgeous and so young

6. Wellington and Interior Design
I studied interior design and lived in Wellington for 8 years - such a gorgeous city - great music and cafe scene.

Wellington Harbour

My first flat was in the suburb of Brooklyn, which is so lovely. It was the first of many many flats - last count 22!! I really wish I had my own house.

The view of Wellington Harbour from the Brooklyn Hills

Brooklyn Village

7. London and Europe
I came to London in 2002 and the first European city I visited was Venice - I thought I'd walked into a fairy tale.

Me in Venice

The bridge of sighs

My current flat is on the top floor of this art deco building in south west London - it looks a bit like an ocean liner I think

So there we are a few things you may not have known about me.

I would like to pass the torch to:
Amanda @ Oliveaux
Kit @ That Unreliable Girl
Trudi @ The Deco Detective
Tracey @ Porchlight Interiors


  1. Thanks Vanya! It was great to read about your life - I think your London flat looks fabulous! Tracey x

  2. I really enjoyed your 7 things, beautifully done! I loved princess Di too.

    :-) Cathleen

  3. Thank you for the tag Vanya - maybe I'll have time during Christmas. I'm not good at these things! I was wondering: are there seven specific questions to answer, or can I tell whichever seven things I feel like sharing?

  4. Welcome back from dodgy Athens Vanya & fabulous post! What a lovely family you are part of, I think your Nanny looked gorgeous. I didn't pick you for a Princess Diana fan - so that was a little surprise!

    I guess that's what so good about the 7 Things challenge, we need to throw our pre-conceived ideas out the window about people & listen to their story with a new perspective.
    Millie ^_^

  5. I love the picture of you and your Nan. It is wonderful to read and learn more about you Vanya. Amanda x

  6. Vanya, what a wonderful list and thanks for sharing some bits about your life. And my goodness - you come from a gorgeous family and look how cute you are!!!

    Your building in London does look like an ocean liner! I know what you mean about all those flats. I had about 20 in total also and we only bought our first house 2 years ago (I was 36). I am so happy to have a home but all those years of moving around was wonderful also!

    I also live the pics of you and your Mum and Dad and your lovely and witty grandmother.

    Merry Christmas and welcome back! Terri

  7. That photo of you and your Nanny is so precious. I can see the love! What a lovely post! A-M xx


Thanks for commenting it really makes my day :)