3 Dec 2008

I'm turning 100!!!

The main reception cushions

I love the grosgrain ribbon corner loops

The great minaret design

Two colour overlay silk thread embroidery

The fun overlaid ribbon

Pita cushions with frog closers

The view from the entrance hall, living rooms, study and front bedrooms

The wonderful acropolis - I'll try and get a night shot for next time

The view from dining and breakfast rooms

WOW my 100th post - I'm so excited :)

Thank you to you all for all your kind comments and all your interesting posts that I have so enjoyed reading.

The lovely Millie from The Laurel Hedge has kindly nominated me for '7 things about me' which I am thrilled, excited and terrified about! I'm off to Athens again for the completion of the Penthouse installation, so I will make my 101 post '7 things about me'.

I really wanted to show you the images of the Penthouse installation, however for privacy and copyright reasons, this is not possible; but I can show you some of the wonderful cushions we designed and had made - labours of love!


  1. The warmest of congratulations to you Vanya! I have so enjoyed my visits to your lovely site & I'm sure you've got lots more beauty in store for us. These cushions are exquisite, I especially love the grosgrain ribbon & frog closures, such detail!

    Enjoy your Athens trip & I'm looking forward to post 101.
    Millie ^_^

  2. Congratulations!! I always enjoy your beautiful posts & look forward to many more. Have a great trip to Athens! Amanda x

  3. Congrats! You have a beautiful blog. Those cushions are stunningly lovely! T.

  4. merci pour suivre mon blog.
    j'ai fait un mauvais clic et j'ai perdu mes abonnés.....


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