28 Apr 2009


Oxfam is a great charity, that has second hand shops around the U.K to raise money for there causes. They have rather brilliantly launched a fantastic online shop, which means you can buy anything from any of their shops in the U.K and they post it to you - how marvelous.

Here are my top picks - oh dear I feel an addiction coming on!

All of these things I wanted to take home, but here are the things I had to have couldn't live with out.

Poole jug - its supposed to be pale blue

Wedgewood Vase

Poole Milk Jug - my favourite


  1. How wonderful - it's like an online flea market! Love your blog.

  2. o beautiful things - thanks for the tip!

    i am wholly lost these days - it is so weird. decorating was like my fix for so long but has suddenly lost its power. don't get me wrong - i still look at blogs and magazines and see pretty things but the shine has worn off a little. i am sure it will come back. i am so cynical sometimes - i wonder what people think of my whinging post about all the same crap. oh well, who cares - it is a big pile of same.

    i love your blog though - you have a really inspired eye, which is very rare. how is the job? you work in decorating right? always meant to ask you more about you...

    take care vanya and i hope your spring is good...i know you are a deep thinker and feeler like me and it is nice to know we are not alone in the world.

    thanks for your kind thoughts. ; )

    xo terri

  3. I always love to find vintage pieces and spend too many hours getting lost amongst it all. Ax


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