25 Apr 2009

Spring at Kew Gardens

Last Sunday I enjoyed a lovely afternoon with my gorgeous friend Sarah, on our annual pilgrimage to Kew Gardens - one of my favourite places in London. I was absolutely, positively kicking myself, because I forgot my camera and really wanted to be able to share it with you all as its such a special time at Kew; the last of the spring flowers are blooming and the early summer beauties are starting to make their presence felt. However thanks to the generous people at Flickr, after much searching, I can show you exactly what it was like; so come for a wander with me round Royal Botanic Kew Gardens.

The lilacs are out and the scent is heavenly

Lets head up the tree top walk for some great views

watch your head!

Lets go into the Palm house

Kew Palace

Isn't the blossom wonderful

Why not a quick look inside the temperate house

I so love Cow Parsley

Queen Charlotte's cottage

I saved the best for last a wander through the bluebells


  1. you know what? i've been thinking of bluebells in the kew gardens, where i once worked with a renowned photographer for a japanese magazine, since i had a stroll and saw them in my local park yesterday... i miss london's spring time soooooo much. thanks for the lovely pictures of the kew!!


  2. Hasn't Spring sprung in London Vanya - you so deserve it, go & enjoy!
    Millie ^_^

  3. how utterly exquisite - i am fixated on gardens these days. can you believe that here in the shadow of the rocky mountains, spring is just springing - crocuses are starting and things have barely started to bud!!!

    what is this uncivilized place? wish i lived where you are...!

  4. If I ever make it to London, Kew Gardens are now on my must see list. Thanks!

  5. As many times as I have been to London, I have never been to Kew Gardens! I will make it a point to visit on my next trip, it is quite beautiful.


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