30 Jul 2009

200th Post!!!

photo source

WOW how time flies, hope you've enjoyed the ride as much as I have; thanks for joining me :)


  1. It's nice to see you're having a party to celebrate...LOL

  2. It's been such fun Vanya - thanks for sharing the ride! Here's to you (sound of glasses clinking in the background!!)
    Millie ^_^

  3. Hi Vanya, happy belated 200th! Wow, we are getting old. But you are very fresh and young, decorating and otherwise!!

    Thanks for your marvellous tips on my foyer dilemma. It is so hard to get good stuff here - seriously, this is such a bad place for decor and it is impossible to find character. So I dream about an element but can never find something remotely similar!

    Complaining though I am, I did discover a wonderful wall shelf that looks old-fashioned online. It is 32" wide and about 10" tall and only 5" wide, so it will not protrude much. The hall is too narrow for furniture or a rectangular shelf with sharp edges, but this will be perfect.

    I love your idea of wallpaper, but it is a continuous space and I have no idea how to end it. What is beading? I would like to do just the entrance with a lovely wallpaper. I priced a custom rug yesterday and it is $250 (125 quid?) for an ugly cheap material. So this is looking like an expensive revamp!

    Oh well, I will try to do it slowly and finding a real character mirror will be the best accent.

    Thanks for all the advice. Now, must go read your posts as I have been a very bad reader lately!

    Again, congrats on your 200th! I am serious - your blog is beautiful and fresh - you have a wonderful eye!

    xo Terri

  4. CONGRATS! and what a great image you picked to commemorate it! it totally makes me want to throw a balloon filled tea party... ;)


Thanks for commenting it really makes my day :)