31 Jul 2009

Time Traveling

I am SO excited, one of my favorite books of all time 'The Time Travelers Wife' by the incredibly talented Audrey Niffenegger has been made into a film - gosh I do hope they do it justice; it does have the wonderful Eric Bana playing Henry, so that is a good start!

Roll on the 14th of August......check out the trailer


  1. I started to read this book and am only 20 pages away from finishing.. but I stopped reading it over 3 yrs ago because it was so sad I couldn't bring myself to read anymore (sad in a good way, but still I was sobbing and had to put it down)... but now I'm going to have to finish it finally so I can see the movie! Not much time left!!

  2. I'm almost scared to watch it--what if they don't do a good adaptation? Ahh, screw it, Eric Bana is in it and he's so freakin' gorgeous, who cares?? haha :-)

  3. I did hear so much , about the book , guess it's time to read it

  4. I adored the book.
    But am anxious to hear the reviews of the movie!!


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