26 Aug 2009

Casa Bella

you might remember this image from an earlier post, well its from this marvelous Italian villa

This room is to die for and plates on the ceiling - inspired!

Clever colour combo's

see the rest of this quirky house here


  1. I think I'm scared. This morning, while in my 1/2 bath, so tiny, thinking, Will redo it in the salmon/blue fantasy for walls/ceiling but what about my antique blue/white china?

    Yes. Why not put antique blue/white china on walls AND ceiling.

    THEN, I see the pic on your site.

    Hmm. What, exactly, to call a moment like this?

    Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

  2. I am a new reader so thank you for showing this afain, it is just staggeringly beautiful.

  3. Plates on the ceiling (cringe)...beautiful, though.


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