29 Aug 2009


Next time I'm in Paris this is where you'll find me
Laduree St Germain

Although I have to say, I would be very happy in the Tokyo store too!


  1. The Tokyo store looks stunning! A trip to Paris is never the same without a stop by Laduree! Enjoy your weekend. Ax

  2. V, what beautiful images. Laduree is truly a beautiful brand and experience. I am sure I was in there shop, but it was somewhere near l'Opera - I will have to check their locations as I may be dreaming.

    Lovely pics as usual - you have such a wonderful eye.

    How is life? Work? Thanks for visiting. I am a bad blogger lately. ; )

    xo T.

  3. Love the images.I too did a post on my blog about Laduree, but I think your images are better.Love your blog.....you're going on my roll.

  4. Oh my goodness I have just stumbled across your blog and it is beautiful. Love these images and I want to visit now too!

  5. Oh be still my heart. Everything about Laduree is stunning, and these photos are especially beautiful - the colors are amazing - I think you'll find me there, too - in fantasty :)
    xo Isa

  6. This looks so incredibly pretty - I can't wait to have a cup of tea and a macaroon there next year! Tracey xx

  7. What a lovely blog you have...I adore Laduree and their macaroons are to die for...I keep my little Laduree box in my china cupboard so I see it everyday. Your images are lovely...off to visit some of your past posts...your aqua dishes in the last post are calling my name...will be back for more visits for sure.

  8. this post has me totally inspired! amazing.

    nice blog!


  9. ummm of macarons and a beautiful silver service.


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