9 Sept 2009

Foxy Fizz

Amanda at Small Acorns, recently blogged about Foxton Fizz, which reminded me how cool it was and how much I loved it when I was a kid. Check out the colours and retro fabulous packaging !

image source


  1. I clicked over from my reader when I spotted the adorable bottles and cute packaging and Eeeek! imagine my surprise when I saw my half-naked child spotlighted in the corner of your blog.

    Wow, Vanya, thanks so much for featuring my blog as one you're loving this week. I am seriously flattered!

    And the Foxy Fizz, so cute. Never seen it before.

  2. Wow, loved your blog header!! Thanks for visiting my blog!

  3. i love me some colorful retro packaging. puts some happy in my day.

  4. I adore those labels, especially that tonic water! I love that good design is making its way back into packaged food...

  5. So cool! Love the retro packaging, Have a sweet day! x

  6. Lime for me please Vanya - these are fab, long may they continue to be around.
    Millie ^_^


Thanks for commenting it really makes my day :)