6 Sept 2009

Let the adventure begin

Source unknown, if you know let me know

I've decided to start the journey of moving back to NZ.

Step One: Resign Job - CHECK
Step Two: Book Flight
Step Three: Ship my worldly goods - ouch that will be expensive
Step Four: Move out of flat
Step Five: Travel, travel, travel
Step Six: Fly!

I have a few ideas of what I'll do when I get home, but nothing set in concrete, its gonna be interesting......! I will keep you posted as the adventure progresses :)


  1. that's great!
    but, what has happened to you? well, weather-wise, i guess newzealand must be much brighter than london.

    have a wonderful adventure!


  2. that's great!

    but i just wonder what happened to you.

    well, weather-wise, newzealand must be much brighter than london anyway.

    have a wonderful adventure!


  3. Yay! Visit Sydney on your way home :D

  4. Yippee Vanya - delighted to see this post. I've no doubt things will work out back in N.Z. for you, any Employer would be very lucky to get you. Please keep in touch.
    Millie ^_^

  5. Good luck on your new adventure! Looking forward to reading about it! Have a sweet day! x

  6. How wonderful Vanya. Lots of adventures are ahead of you. A-M xx

  7. I'm looking forward to following in your photo footsteps!!!

  8. Vanya,

    Hope that it works out well. I tried it a few years ago - we bought a vineyard and built a french styled house as I was in NY 9/11 and wanted to love somewhere safe.
    But alas it did not work out as I think that I have been away too long and although NZ is a beautiful place I missed the culture and history that Europe offers. At this point in time France satisfies that hunger :-)

    Bon chance

    Leeann x

  9. Wow...that sounds great..I adore New Zealand and have visited a few times. Is that where you grew up? Make sure you get the traveling in! Thanks for your comments on my blog!

  10. Fabulous, take us on the journey with you. Good luck and thanks for stopping by Beach Vintage and leaving a comment.

  11. new zealand hey?! but australia is soooo much better (of course im biased!)...ive heard nz is spectacular - good luck with the planning and the big move!

  12. How exciting. I am waiting to tie up loose ends here in the states (pay off debts) then I am headed over to Australia to live. I love how Leeann said she wanted to love somewhere safe, I think it was a typo but live/love, the same thing. I want a safer place to raise my son and for my future generations to live. Looking forward to your journey. Heidi

  13. Good luck on this next part of your adventure. Just remember, if you never go, you'll never know! Leigh

  14. Wow! Congratulations on your impending move and I hope all the adventures that lie ahead bring you great joy!

    Good luck!


  15. Yay! I get the feeling you are missing home.....make sure you look us up when you do. xx

  16. good lukc vanya - i will be cheering for you and hope you get some great travelling done - i know you love it.

    xo terri

  17. we love this and want it in our garden in Tuscany - please!!! wow - from your Italian cousies!! tee hee! love to you


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