10 Nov 2009

Special Little People

As you may know I am recently back from a fab holiday in Italy (pics coming soon I promise, I've had computer trouble, well specifically dropping computer trouble!) The finale of my trip was to stay with my wonderful cousins who have recently moved to Northern Tuscany, in the mountains north of Lucca - beautiful part of the world. Whist I was there, I found out all about the aromatherapy range my lovely cousin Janine has developed.

A trained Aromatherapist and Mum of three great kids - my lovely little cousins - Sam, George & Holly.

Janine originally developed her aromatherapy blends to help her own kids, but soon realised that they could be beneficial to all and Special Little People was born. The currently six blends, help with everything from getting a good nights sleep,to minimising tantrums, anxiety and putting a smile on little faces.

The oils come with a colourful hanky, the blend is applied to, which little ones can keep in their pocket or under their pillow for a big sniff when required. Also available, these cool wristbands which the oils can also be applied to, for extra cool kids.

After much hard work and dedication, this fabulous product is now available to buy online at Special Little People or Boots pharmacies UK - well done Janine!

So if you have little people in your life, check these out; they make a great gift and the packaging alone is worth it, the gorgeous Holly proudly on the front.

You can keep up to date on Special Little People Developments by following Janine's Blog


  1. Oh wow, what a clever lady your cousin is! I have some sickly kids at the moment, so I am going to head off to Boots today and get me some of that good stuff!

    Will let you know how it goes,

    B x
    p.s Sooo looking foward to your Italy pics!!!

  2. Sounds like your stay with the family was lovely Vanya! I hope Janine's business is a roaring success, its sounds a fab idea.
    Millie ^_^


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