13 Feb 2010

Domestic Scene

I caught up with my gorgeous friend Louise yesterday, whom I haven't seen since we were students working at Resene paints, far too many years ago. It was such fun to see her, meet her lovely children, chew the fat and talk blogging. So nice to hang with a fellow blogger, we had a mini blog conference :) Discussing the blogger versus word press, advertising, give aways, comments, readership and more; so great I learnt so much, plus got a new banner to boot! Thanks Lou :)

 Do check out Lou's fantastic blog, Domestic Scene, where she chats about her life as a busy Mum and architect. She and her lovely husband Justin have set up their own architecture practice, Assembly Architecture specialising in high end residential and just to add to their list of achievements they have designed a incredibly cool shelving system called Stackweave - what can't they do!

the fabulous Lou, Justin and the Stackweave shelving system

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