13 Feb 2010

Valentine's Day

sorry source unknown!

Its that time again..... as a singleton I can feel slightly conflicted about V day, but I thought this year instead of resenting it, I would just put the love out there in the universe for all. So I hope what ever your doing you have a great day tomorrow.

Best wishes V


  1. Gosh I had better think about a V-day post myself! Happy V-day to V!

  2. Happy valentine's day to you too x

  3. Since I am big on words, you know I love those hearts. I saved them. LOL Did you see the bookcase I covered for Alyssa? I used dictionary pages. If you can't find it, let me know and I will send you the link.

    Happy Valentine's Day!
    A special note for you...


Thanks for commenting it really makes my day :)