26 May 2010

Heart Felt

I had the pleasure of visiting the fabulous Janelle, from Heart Felt last week, we had afternoon tea at their new house in Greytown. So nice to chat, look around the house, see all the treasures Janelle has cleverly found being the master thrifter that she is!

If your not familiar or a follower of Heart Felt, I highly recommend it. Janelle blogs about the adventures her gorgeous kids get up to living in the Wairarapa, New Zealand. Let me introduce....



Apart from being a Mum of three, Librarian, master thrifter, Janelle is an awesome crafter - upcycling children's knitted items.

cosy woolie trousers

cute jumpers
Check out all of Janelle's fabulous wares on here Felt site and Etsy

Hope your having a great week!


  1. Oh cool! I follow this one - didn't realise see was kiwi!

  2. Oh shoot! No I don't follow, but will be following now. So cute. Got my google analytics up and running it's great V. xxx

  3. Thanks so much Vanya, it was so nice to catch up with you. The kids are still going on about the rainbow cake you bought. xx


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