16 May 2010

this weeks winner is.....

Still London, (8 million people can't be wrong, not that I'm suggesting that's how many visitors I had on my site....maybe one day!) but closely following in second place is..............


What a beautiful city, I do hope to visit some day.

Thank you Canada, glad you could stop by


  1. Oooh, and you would really, really love Toronto. We lived an hour away a few years back, and spent a lot of time exploring the city. So many quirky little shops filled with gorgeous treasures - we brought all sorts of curiosities back with us!

  2. Gonna go there one day ;)

  3. Oh, how cool! Toronto loves you! I lived there for 6 years - took my first job there and loved it. I moved away as it was so unaffordable for a young engineer, but wish now that I had stayed. It has 10x the culture and interesting things than most Canadian cities.

    Hope you can visit some day!

  4. Toronto rocking your blog!
    Hey love, needing more technical advice pleaseeee.
    How do you get a cool background on your blog page?


Thanks for commenting it really makes my day :)