25 Jul 2010

Get your Gold on!

Make winter glow with a touch of the gold stuff.

image source this is glamorous
whether you do splashes of gold

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or hints of gold

image la maison boheme

imagehttp://studiohousedesign.blogspot.com/ studio house design
gold warms up where ever it goes

image vincente wolf

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be it the frame

image source this is glamorous
or what's in the frame

image lenin imports

image source this is glamorous
try going subtle
image pure home style

or why not on everything!

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gold works well in a traditional setting

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as it does in contemporary

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Why not fabric in your living room

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or in your bedroom
image vincente wolf
or on your handbag

image red direct
or even on you

image this is glamorous
how ever you do it, don't forget to sparkle!

image beth retro

1 comment:

  1. All so beautiful and stunning. Our latest gold purchase has been a plastic gold crown. Does that count? xx


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