21 Aug 2010

Wairarapa Winter

its been a long cold winter here in the Rapa, not quite cold like the last London winter, but without central heating it sure feels like it!

its been frosty

the balls are glass not frost ;)

there's been alot of snow on the hills

we do need the temperature to warm up
but at least now, finally we have some signs of spring
as my lovely French friend Nadine would say 'sanks god for zat'!
well said Nadine :)


  1. I will send you indeed a little of heat from my country. In the South of France, this morning at 9 am. it was 33 degrees Celsius (91.4° F.). Too hot for me, very, very hot!
    Have good week-end.

  2. I the first photo, I thought it was the top of your car and couldn't imagine what in the world caused those bubbles. I bet the daffodils warm you up. Although it has been in the 100's here through August, I am dreading the coming winter already.

  3. Yes, roll on Summer! Still icy, grey, rainy & extremely dreary here Vanya.
    Millie ^_^


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