20 Sept 2010

Bathing in Bath

just a wee continuation of the Bath wander we had not so long ago, no trip to Bath is complete without seeing the place that Bath was named after, well at least once.

I give you the Roman Baths
sadly you can no longer swim in the baths, who really wants to see a whole bunch of tourists wallowing around in there

Bath first established as a spa resort with the Latin name, Aquae Sulis, meaning "the waters of Sulis" by the Romans in AD 43

They built baths and a temple on the surrounding hills of Bath in the valley of the river Avon around hot springs, which are the only ones naturally occurring in the United Kingdom.

obligatory tourist shot!


Roman Life Guards?!

if you fancy a dip, you can go to the new baths, Aquae Sulis, which has a fantastic huge thermal pool on its roof

Much later, Bath became popular as a spa resort during the Georgian era, which led to a major expansion that left a heritage of exemplary Georgian architecture crafted from Bath Limestone.

To see this superb Georgian Architecture check out my previous Bath post


  1. hello, we took our boys there not so long ago, hadn't been there since I was a child, it's a nice city isn't it? love your blog!

  2. Gorgeous pics Vanya! I haven't been to Bath (oh, the shame!) but now my daughter's at Uni in Bristol I might just stop by there on one of my visits :O) Hope everything is going well at Hope and Glory. x

  3. Lovely...hope to go there some day...smiles.

  4. I've always wanted to tour Bath.


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