21 Sept 2010

Happy Heartfelt Birthday

A BIG happy birthday to the lovely Jannelle of Heartfelt blog. 

I popped by her place today to say hi and she told me it was her birthday! If I have known I would have brought her something spoily. We had a cuppa, raspberry slice, a potter round the garden and chatted shed conversion potential - the perfect afternoon really.

Jannelle is a super talented thrifter, crafter and inspiring mum of three. Her fabulous blog is a great window to her world and work. Heartfelt is one of my most favourite blogs and always a joy to check out; growing up in the Wairarapa never looked so good!

Lovely to see you today Jannelle, hope you get some quality birthday time after the kids have gone to bed ;)

1 comment:

  1. Blush....you sweet heart, thank-you so much. I really enjoyed my afternoon too, it's nice to have a break of the routine. We had the rest of the raspberry slice for desert and I had a candle in my piece (it looked so cute)...and..... two are in bed already! Success! xx


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