28 Sept 2010

Manuel Canovas - Pergola

As many of you know in my past life in London, one of my jobs was managing the trade showroom of Colefax & Fowler at the Chelsea Harbour Design Centre. It really fed my love of textiles, working with such gorgeous brands as Colefax & Fowler, Jane Churchill, Larsen and Manuel Canovas; all of which are part of the Colefax Group. I have started stocking Colefax Group Fabrics at my shop hope & glory, which I'm really excited about. Had a really lovely customer in yesterday, Michelle, we were chatting fabric, cushions, blogs, interiors etc etc. Michelle being the motivated girl that she is makes new cushions every season for her sofa, now that is dedication, I salute you Michelle! She told me about a blog Ada & Darcy that she follows and how she fell in love with a cushion featured and she was desperately trying to find a fabric similar. Michelle mentioned that the design was a pergola and it had pinks, turquoise and limes in it.

images via Ada & Darcy blog
As soon as I saw these images I knew instantly that it was Manuel Canovas Pergola. This is a fantastic large scale print with a number of colourways, it was available as a velvet, shown on the cushion is the cotton.

via taj housing
via anne ginger
via anne ginger
I don't have Michelle's details, but she did take my endless inspiration and my hope & glory blog addresses, so I'm hoping that she will see this post and 'if you do Michelle, according to my price list this is not a current fabric, but I'm making enquiries to see if I can get it in for you!

Best wishes



  1. Lovely post Vaya - I adore Manuel C. almost as much as Jonny Wilkinson!!

  2. Reeeeeeaaaalllly love that pink toile with the black and white stripe ruffle, deeelicious. Hey Van just so you know I get the most traffic on my blog refered from Endless Inspiration - thanks love!

  3. Thanks Jeaux Jo, the pink toile is Canovas also, can't remember the name, but v pretty :)


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