30 Dec 2010

White Christmas - Last Christmas

I have always loved Wham's Last Christmas song & video


I have dreamed for years of having a White Christmas, but to date not had one, in my mind it always looked like the Last Christmas Vid :)
Now I have found the perfect place to have my Last Christmas, White Christmas moment, thanks to the lovely Mrs French at Bliss Blog for giving me the heads up!

isn't it fabulous, I know its not a trad log cabin, but I think if Wham was to do a remake today, they would totally go pod!

imagine a cosy rugged up picnic with lashings of hot chocolate

this is as close as I could possibly get to camping ;)

everything looks so cosy & stylish - love it

then why not take a winter wonderland walk to the restaurant

this would be a great spot for the dinner scene

then ski back to the pod
the weather outside maybe frightful, but inside mmmmm delightful
To keep dreaming further and book your next White Christmas, 
check out the White Pod.....ahh one day!
I'm sure George would approve :)


  1. the song is timeless! the pic with the ski is great! My 1st time on ski was 2 weeks ago :-) It's incredible feeling. Happy new year to you!

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  3. they did a great job making the cabins feel cozy yet also elegant. Still looks cold though! :)


Thanks for commenting it really makes my day :)