15 Jan 2011

Royal Wedding on a Plate

Can't believe there is a royal wedding just around the corner! I was a HUGE Princess Diana fan as a child

image via the telegraph
the woman could even look stunning in a pretty dodgy jumper! Now that is style. I made scrap books of her images, had paper dolls of her and Charles (even with the wedding dress) and speaking of the wedding of course I watched the WHOLE thing on TV. As an eight year old it was a fairy tale fantasty come true.

And now 30 years later (god can it REALLY be that long......) its happening all over again.

its very exciting, not so much for me as the first time round, but I would still love to back in London for the build-up and buzz of it all.

So to get you in the swing, check out some of the most fabulous wedding souvenir china on the market.

this is my fav :)

thanks to the Creative Review Blog for hooking me up!


  1. Looking forward to the royal wedding, I may have to take April 29th off work!

  2. Isn't it wonderful?!
    I'll be in London in February, and will be filling my suitcase with a few of these, I'm sure!!

  3. I mentioned the forthcoming Royal nuptials to the sons recently & the response was underwhelming. I have 4 mths. to whip them into a frenzy of excitement Vanya - wish me luck! I'm planning a live broadcast party here @ The Hedge despite the boys bad attitude!
    Millie x

  4. Completely adorable.

    I too am royally crazy. So much so that I features Royal Wedding Wednesdays on my blog. Stop on by and join in the fun.


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