22 Jul 2012

London Adventures - Columbia Road Flower Market

Last weekend as the showers held off, my friend Sarah & I headed to Columbia Road Flower Market

A crazy mass of what feels like hundreds of sellers, all vying for your custom. You go for the humour as much as the plants & flowers. As the day goes on and the sellers want to quit their wares, you here shouts of 'everyfink a fiver'! Brilliant.

Columbia Road on a Sunday is not only packed with stalls, but positively heaving with people, you can barely move.

Oh but its worth it when you see the plants and flowers on offer.

But not only that, lining Columbia Road on both sides, is an incredible collection of independant shops, boutiques and cafes.

I rather fancied this set of table & chairs - great colour

every window tempts in you inside

But the shops are just as busy as the street

One of my favourite shops was Jessie Chorley & Buddug Humphries - 'The Shop'
an amazing mix of imaginative upcycling

Back on the street there is so much to catch you eye, it really is a feast for the senses

Its so easy to get pulled back into the shops, when each one is full to the brim with gorgeous goodies

I had my eye on these enamel jugs on the top shelf - rather fabulous

You are always aware of the market just outside the window, beckoning you back

Window shopping is such fun

Another favourite place was Suck & Chew - old fashioned style sweets, in a 
proper old fashioned style shop

I knew as soon as I looked through the window it was my kinda shop

Vintage royal tins filled with sweets - what a great present
a wonderful interior fit out, that showcases the amazing sweets and there were some divine
looking goodies on offer. I went home with a bag of fizzy melon/lemon drops and tangy apple squares YUM

I highly recommend a visit

So long Columbia Road, I will be back.


  1. You're back in London!! What a great field trip you took us on. I want to visit Suck & Chew (and all the others). Have fun on your adventure! :)

    xo Terri

  2. Thanks T, yip its a been a round about roller coaster ;) xx

  3. oh deep joy! I know how lucky I am to live by the sea but I still miss London markets ( lived in Camden for 15 years ) - in fact I still dream of them sometimes!

  4. You just gotta love C Road! We always try and get there early cos it gets so rammed. Did you visit Ezra St market around the corner? Lovely post babes. xxx


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